"WAS HERE" Marker For Eternity

1Obit Mementos

Social Community For Deceased And
The Living

1Obit WEB4 Social Platform
Everyone is familar with social media 2.0 where users never get a share of the profits, users supply their data and earn Mr. Meta billions.
Now WEB3.0 users receive the rewards with major upgrade.
NFTs Read Write Own platform through community monetised for the members, no surveillance own your data, post to friends, groups, remember our loved ones, gone never forgotten own your family tree.
Change the terms and agreements for deceased & living, members own all content.
Building WEB 3.0 tokenomics rewards enable smart contracts with unique family-chain, Members utility profile NFTs own I.P. right options are public, or anonymous, enable obituary and inherit in perpetuity.
Secure Life's Data, Own It Forever
Remember loved ones, preserve living memories, personal time capsule, your mark of time.
Secure family archive on-chain, save and preserve media, audio, content files, from generation to generation inherit for eternity.
1Obit Social Community
Supportive and helpful in your time of loss.
Every day someone loses a spouse, child, relative or friend and having to face each new day without them is something you are never prepared for.
The person may be gone but not forgotten, as they live in our heart and memories every day. People helping people, Join us
Web connect life for future generations
Store and save all those social media moments, drag them from walled gardens and own your valuable data.
Keep family memories secure
Own your content, no tracking ads or surveillance.
Share your living autobiography, or creative works, music, assets, family recipes, enable smart contracts monetize to benefit loved ones.
Have you ever lost your phone containing all your personal contacts, photo's, video moments, or your hard drive stops working, or websites change their terms or shutdown.
1Obit members are in control, it's your data own it, no locked in terms and agreements.
One day down the road grandchildren will appreciate learning seeing and hearing about their grandparents or great great great grandparents and the lives they lived.No one lives forever, capture all life's social moments secure decentralised storage 1Obit chain past present future privacy protection.Celebrate the gift of life every day and honour those who came before us, without them none of us would be here.Purchase 1Obit NFT Utility Token
Membership payment fiat on ramp or exchange hassle free, includes exclusive community benefits.
1Obit NFT profile split between Anonymous Profile, Public Profile, Obituary Profile inheritable, memorial book, free obituary, family tree, storage data assets and more.Plans include developer apps built on 1Obit social token smart contracts.
Family-chain, purchase VR-plots, set-up wills, trusts, service contracts, own and share family-recipes,
Dapp family headstone links 1Obit monetise family stories, cemetery tourism, donate to cemetery fees for upkeep, grave-maintenance, flower-placement-gravesite plus more.
Keep life journal, time release posts to loved ones. Store your content securely in decentralised storage, 1Obit community run DAO for governance.1obit members tokenomics community shares platform rewards with members.
1Obit Deed Of Life Own It
WEB 3.0 the Read Write Own token economy of the future.

Global Online Free Obituaries

1Obit Location App
World Maps eg. Northern Ireland
, maps of cemeteries, graveyards, global maps, add your own map marker for loved ones final resting place
Cementeries and grave-yards are places to visit old friends.
1Obit offers cemetery sites alternative revenue streams, historical stories of past live's inspiring future generations use NFC mobile link, conservation maintenance, plot markers utilising QR codes, web links plus more.

Photo RDNE Stock project

"Was Here" Guarantee

Sovereign Identity autonomous, free, and independent. Not subject to the rule or control of another.
Your walk of life in binary code own your life archive in perpetuity.
Create family content, secure with 1obit-chain, add family relations, friends, loved ones. Future generations will see how all our live's thread together with connections from past relations subscribe and build your family tree with binary code.
Marker For Eternity


Never Forgotten
The people in our life are the most important part of living. Their laughs, smiles, unique one of a kind ways, time stamped in our minds. The memories we shared together will be with us the rest of our days, write a journal keep dreams alive, save all those beautiful photo's and share.
Everyone usually receives respect three times in life. When you're born, when you're married, when you die,
Your Mark of Time
Past Present Future

Changlng times require new agreements.

The pandemic changed the world with lockdowns, stopping people being with their loved ones saying final goodbyes.

Best Investment For Your Future Own Your Data
When someone is deceased they have no data protection, your love ones life's data accumulated through big tech may become unavailable to heirs.
Preserve living and deceased archive for future generations.
Owning family data content enables monetising with smart contracts.
Token payments may be made for life biography, creative works, family recipes, royalty assets distributed to family and loved ones.
Members control content without centralised control or walled gardens.
Decentralised storage, text images, videos, files, audio, music, NFT collections.
The future with AI offers economic advances exponentially better than two heads are better than one analogy. Think of it as multiple heads from many disciplines that analyse code and data with precision teamwork providing blazing fast answers and solutions.Give support to family after your gone.
Join 1obit social network members share token rewards.

Do you have a will

Presently it is very common for our loved ones to hold bitcoin, digital assets, NFTs or cryptocurrency requiring access allocating executor, power of attorney.
1Obit-chain NFT utility token, enable assets monetization in perpetuity, decentralised storage ipfs, peer to peer, smart contracts, digital identity decentralised profile, VR land, living will, family trust, more options.
Own your deed of life with 1Obit NFT profiles your family inherits your lifetime archive of memories.

1Obit Deed of Life

Own your data
You are in control. secure encrypted decentralized, choose public, private options.
Own your family life's memories full stop.
No Ads No Middlemen No $1 per word obituary No guilt trip remorse nagware asking for renewals and more money.
Newspapers in USA alone collect over $550 million for obituaries each year plus much more for candles, plant a tree, and flowers .
1Obit Free obituary web page for members 1Obit family-chain profile public or private key contracts.

Sign up 1Obit community

Free Obituary Memorial For Eternity
For Members

Joseph Anthony Caruana
Passed away at Groves Memorial Hospital, Fergus on October 10, 2011 at the age of 79. Beloved husband of Maureen for over 50 years. Much loved father of Jim (Pattie), Sandy (Trevor) and Mike (Laura). Joe will be fondly remembered by his 10 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren. Visitation will be held at the Graham Giddy Funeral Home in Fergus, 280 St. David St. South on Thursday, October 13th from 1 – 2pm. A Memorial service will follow at 2pm in the funeral home chapel. In lieu of flowers the family would appreciate donations being directed towards,
1Obit profile public key.

Cotton Eyed Joe

When I come to the end of the road
And sun has set for me
I hope you will realize
My pain at last is free
Miss me a little... but not too long
And not with your head bowed low
Remember that love we once shared
Miss me... but let me go
For this journey we all must take alone
It's all part of a master plan
A step on the road to home
When you are lonely and sick at heart
Just go to some friends you know
Try burying your sorrows in some good deeds
Miss me ... but let me go

Thanks for everything Dad
Still Think of you everytime I eat my Pastizzi Hockey Night in Canada our treats

Maureen Caruana
April-11-1931 to June-2-2023

A Grandparent's Love Lives With Us Forever To Pass On To Our Own Grandchildren

When our loved ones are gone it's too late to ask those questions that you wished you'd asked of them.
Mom who's that in the picture with uncle Hanley, now we may never know.
Memories of the times we had together Mum
I still remember as young boy going to the Christmas parade downtown Toronto with you on the buses what a big adventure.
I recall riding the elevator in Eatons annex, where you took us to get a hot waffle ice cream sandwich.
Wow the smell still lingers in my mind.
The store windows all decorated with Christmas displays had all kinds of toys, trains and magic marching men with music blaring, what a fun day that was, I'll never forget.
Thanks Mum Love You
Forever and Ever xxxooo

My Thoughts Follow You

Gone But Not Forgotten

Life changes now without you here. The times and memories we shared, play at random in my mind, you pop in and out always reminding me how much I miss you with your happy smile. Love You Mum

After all is said and done all the pieces go back in the box.

Lessons a Grandparent can teach while playing a game of monopoly. Life is not easy at times and hard decisions must be made. With their unselfish love a gentle nudge and kind words you accumulate wisdom they share from their years.
Thinking of people that you miss, sign up post your own page in their memory and share with your Family & Friends.

1Obit Social Community For The people

1Obit token royalty rewards for members

Memories Are For Sharing
Reinventing death care services using technology, in the past only Celebrities, Monarchs, Politicians, Wealthy, had the resources to publish their memoirs.
Now you can read, write, own, history and control your family-chain forever nominated from generation to generation inherit forever.
1Obit options enable smart contracts, members earns token rewards .
Our mission 1OBIT NFTs Utility Token for every human depicting profile changes till end of time, like a birth certificate that never ends, chained proof with digital container.
Preserving memories of all our loved ones cherished moments for future generations, simple to organize with click and save for old photo's images, audio, video's plus other creative works to pass on and inherit 1obit-chain.
Thanks Jimmy Erwin
P.S. Looking For Binary Coders :-) front and backend who see value in privacy platform preserving memories on family-chain.
If you would like to become involved developing and building 1Obit community plus more please get in touch. I believe WEB3 allows everyone to own a part of the platform they use and build on.
Storage of family data adds value preserved for future generations which also can create royalty assets using IPFS storage archive. Plus as I get closer to departure zone myself I feel many people could benefit from a platform where members control and own their data, living wills. and all sorts of financial assets requiring smart contracts for inheritance purposes.
Reach out drop us a message 1obit.bsky.social
Thanks very much JimmyErwin

Thank you

Rememberance for those who made us what we are.
Thanks Jimmy Erwin

© 1OBIT. All rights reserved 2020.

You have won life's biggest lottery just being you, own your data deed of life inherit forever in perpetuity. Jimmy Erwin